Measure, monitor and save with real-time access to all your data.
With ista MinuteView, residential landlords and property managers can save up to 15% on energy costs.
Save up to 15% on energy costs
Monitor and manage all your data in one place
Early alerts for high energy consumption
24/7 real-time access
Streamlined energy management.
Are you looking take control of your energy usage?
Whether you are managing an apartment complex or renting a detached house, ista MinuteView will pave the way to streamlined energy management. Discover the benefits of being able to plan consumption in detail, reducing overheads and helping you meet sustainability targets.
Take energy management to the next level with MinuteView.
Choose ista for hassle-free service and a full range of benefits.
Thanks to our customised hardware solutions, we guarantee to get your projects set up with the minimum of fuss. ista MinuteView is more than a tool – it is your key ally when it comes to saving energy, improving operational transparency, and reducing your costs.
All your data at a glance: Get insights from multiple different meters (including electricity, gas, water and humidity sensors) in a single comprehensive display
Constant monitoring: Keep a on your consumption in real time to spot waste and problems early
Comparative analysis: Easily compare energy data from different meters and buildings - even across borders
Trends you can use: Graphs and tables help you spot trends and improve your property management
Mobile connectivity: Optimised for tablets and smartphones, so you can stay connected to your energy data any time, anywhere
Discover more innovative solutions to transform your property.
Our custom solutions are designed to help our clients reduce their environmental impact, improve health and safety in their buildings, and save money on energy costs.

Metering Technologies
Advanced technologies for reliable utility tracking and management.

Energy Debt Management
Ensure precise billing and secure debt recovery with our service.